Madurai cardiologist receives award from Pranab Mukherjee


MADURAI: Dr.A.Mathavan, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Madurai, was presented with ‘Inspiring Cardiologists of India 2020’ Award in recognition of his distinguished work in the field of heartcare for over three decades.

He was one among the doctors from across the country chosen for this honor and felicitation by ‘The Economic Times’- The Times Group’ media in connection with Doctors Day on 1st July 2020. 

Former President of India Mr.Pranab Mukherjee had presented the awards to recipients at Virtual Doctors Day Conclave held on 30th June 2020. It was a virtual award presentation in online mode because of COVID lockdown.      

Dr.Mathavan told ‘Lotus Times’ news website here today that he is dedicating this award and recognition to his patients.

“I am very happy that my work as a cardiologist was recognized by one of the leading media groups in India and prestigious ‘The Economic Times’. For any doctor, it is the patients who give bread and butter and give us chance for getting name and recognition. So, I dedicate this award to my patients. I always remember the words of my teacher great cardiologist Dr.K.P.Misra who always said that a doctor must salute the patient,” Dr.Mathavan has said today.

The award which was presented in virtual mode yesterday will be formally sent to the recipients later. Some of the other recipients of ‘Inspiring Cardiologists of India 2020’ Award include pioneering cardiologists-teachers such as Dr.Ashwin Mehta, Dr.Ashok Seth, Dr.Hiramath, Dr.Narasimhan, Dr.Ajith Mullaseri and Dr.Bahuleyan. 

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