CHENNAI: Information has been passed on to government and health authorities alleging that a fake quack homeopathy doctor is running a clinic at Anna Nagar in Chennai using self popularity in the area and articulating about AYUSH. The said doctor is reportedly doing a good practice just because of popularity among Central government employees, sources on condition of anonymity told ‘Lotus Times’ website on 2nd June 2020.
“This particular doctor is a fake and running homeo clinic for more than 10 years in East Anna Nagar in Chennai. When asked about registration and qualification there was no response. Money from patients is collected through ‘hundi’. The matter was taken up to the attention of top government authorities,” a source said today.
The Tamil Nadu Homeopathy Medical Council and CCH (Central Council of Homeopathy) was alerted and approached for the last two months.
It was learnt that the CCH was directing the complainant to TNHMC and it did not respond. “When the issue was taken to the Ministry of Ayush, the CCH responded back confirming that the doctor is not registered as per both central and also State Homeopathy database,” sources added.
An appeal has been made to the government authorities and councils to confirm the doctor’s qualification. Details, photos and name boards were already sent.
Despite repeated pleas and reminders, there was no response from the Tamil Nadu unit of IMA (Indian Medical Association) – Anti quackery committee Head, IMH (Indian Medical and Homeopathy) – Director-TN and also TN-Health and Family Welfare Department Secretary.