Singapore to Madurai, they went home after ‘C’ check (VIdeo)


MADURAI: Totally 166 passengers who came by Singapore to Madurai Air India Express flight today were allowed to go to their homes after Coronavirus scrrenign check done at Madurai airport here today- 21st March 2020- by the special health team at the airport.

In view of COVID-18 scare and nationwide Coronavirus alert, the authorities at airport and health officials are on constant vigil mode to prevent the spread of this infectious corona virus which is delcared as a pandemic.

Accordingly, the screening teams had tested the passengers of this flight from Singapore (including 3 children) and they were found to be in ‘C’ grade. Hence, after it was found that they were not carrying any symptoms, the passengers were allowed to go to thier homes after taking signed delcaration from them, according to sources.

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