MADURAI: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Mr.Edapadi K Palanisamy will be in Thoothukudi district on 22nd February 2020 to declare open the memorial – ‘Mani Mandapam’- of legendary personality late Sivanthi Adithanar who steered the famous newspaper ‘The Daily Thanthi’ (Dianthanthi) in this State reaching crores of people.
Information and Public Relations Minister Mr.Kadambur Raju told reporters in Madurai today that the Chief Minister will inaugurate the ‘Mani Mandapam’ memorial of great Sivanthi Adithanar and also distribute several welfare schemes during his visit to Tuticorin district on February 22nd.
“The memorial was constructed in Tiruchendur taluk and late Sivanthi Adithanar was a person respected by entire State and the people of southern districts remember him as a great visionary,” Information Minister Kadambur Raju has said.
He also stated that DMK president Mr.M.K.Stalin should first fully read about CAA-NPR and then talk about them because people must know the facts and not politics.