India waits for MSME, it is Modi Shah Must Exit (Part 1)


CHENNAI: The political and economic issues in the last three months in India is clearly indicating the mood of the nation. Everywhere, there is unrest and there are people boiling with anger across States. Even the academic universities are not spared and they became pandemic.

A sample oral opinion gathering among people the ‘Lotustimes’ English news website has given a picture that people are waiting for MSME to happen soon- that is – MODI SHAH MUST EXIT. It is a caution to the BJP.

Their view was that authoritarianism, domination, destruction and confusion being created by two persons is creating a perennial problem for the polity, economy and our Indian democracy. The States are being reduced to a sorry state, federalism became feudal, opposition parties being ridiculed and targeted by the BJP leaders, intellectuals intent is not heard, industry is in doldrums, minorities have major fears, MPs get bad treatment in Parliament etc. 

And our Indian economy is getting into shambles because of arrogance and ignorance of present establishment in Lutyens Delhi. Two persons taking the country for a ride with their sloganeering and States are burning, waiting for funds like beggars. The devolution of funds is not clear, the GST made a complete mess to small businesses. What not?

The opinion of a common man is that a good BJP which is driven by nationalist ideology has become a threat to survival because Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi and Home Minister Mr.Amit Shah are swallowing the States, eating away regional parties and doing dirty politricks. This is the mood of people and hence they wait for MSME: MODI SHAH MUST EXIT, and give way to others in that good party for a balanced leadership at the top that ensures democracy and saves the Constitution.

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