CII holds conclave to make Young Indians as leaders

(L-R): C M Faizal Ahamed, Dr Sathish Devadoss, Vice Chairman, CII Madurai Zone, S M Manikandan, K.Nagaraj, Chairman, CII Madurai Zone, G Kalyana Sundaram, S Shenher Lal, Event Chair – Yi Evolve 2020 and K. Ganeshan, Dy Director & Head, CII Mdu Zone.

MADURAI: The Young Indians Madurai Chapter of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) had organized ‘Evolve – A Leadership Conclave’ in Madurai on 1st February 2020. 

Industry leaders, entrepreneurs, strategists and business experts from various fields and corporate institutions had addressed the budding entrepreneurs on various topics by sharing their practical experiences.  
Mr.K.R.Nagarajan, founder-chairman, Ramraj Cotton, spoke on ‘Tradition to Trend- Create your own industry’ narrating his memories has said that every businessman is w worker before becoming a boss. He pointed out that great lessons in life are not learnt from educational institutions but from those whom you meet everyday.

Mr.Tarun Mahadevan, Managing Director, Hot Breads, addressed a session on ‘perishable finance- a proactive approach’ in which he emphasised on financial strategies, unit economics and various business success ideas.


Mr K R Nagarajan, Founder – Chairman Ramraj Cotton, delivers the special address.

There was a special session for challenges faced by women in running their business.

Mr.K.Nagaraj, Chairman, CII Madurai Zone and Managing Director of Aparajitha Corporate Services and Dr.Sathish Devadoss, Vice-Chairman, CII Madurai Zone and Medical Director of Devadoss Hospital, were among those who addressed the delegates.

Mr.S.M.Manikandan, Co-Chair, Yi Madurai Chapter and COO of Aparajitha Software Services Pvt Ltd, explained about the objectives of holding ‘Evolve’ conclave.  

Audience at the conclave.

Mr.C.M.Faizal Ahamed, Event Chair, Yi Evolve 2020 and founder of SUXUS Menswear, welcomed the gathering while Mr.G.Kalyana Sundaram, Co-chair, Yi Madurai Chapter and CEO of Great Innovus Solutions Pvt Ltd, proposed a vote of thanks. Over 500 delegates from across Tamil Nadu attended this conclave in Madurai.

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