MADURAI: A police complaint to Tirunelveli police has been filed against one Nellai Kannan who spoke in an abusive, derogatory and inciting language a few days back calling names of Prime Minister and Home Minister of the country thereby giving threat to their life which is punishable under the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
On 30th December 2019, Tamil Nadu BJP leader and spokesperson Mr.Narayanan Thirupathy took very strong objection to Nellai Kannan’s comments at SDPI meeting protesting against Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 while speaking in Tirunelveli district and filed police complaint. The life threats to PM and HM by Nellai Kannan are punishable under IPC sections.
Since Nellai Kannan is creating hatred and enmity between Hindus and Muslims and it is an offence to disturb harmony / public tranquility / public peace, BJP leader Mr.Narayanan Thirupathy filed police complaint to arrest Nellai Kannan and prosecute him because he said in his speech as to why Muslims have not yet killed Prime Minister and Home Minister and he hopes that one Muslim kills them.
“This is an open threat, an attempt to incite violence, to promote hatred between religions and castes,:” the BJP leader said in his police complaint today 30th December 2019.
Life threat to Modi & Shah: BJP files police complaint
By Shastry V MalladyDec 30, 2019, 21:21 pm0
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