A school student rightly talks at Telugu writers conference

V.Lakshmi Sreeja at World Telugu Writers Conference in Vijayawada Dec 27th 2019.

CHENNAI: Nothing is greater than one’s mother tongue. In whichever medium you study in school, a child or a student starts learning the life in their own mother language. 

V.Lakshmi Sreeja, a seventh class student from Khammam gave an impressive talk at World Telugu Writers Conference being held in Vijayawada from 27th to 29th December 2019 and narrated the glory of Telugu language, Telugu poets, writers, literature etc leaving nothing about the essence and greatness of Telugu.


Studying in a school in Khammam in Telangana State, student Sreeja showed bubbling enthusiasm to take part in the 4th World Telugu Writers Conference at Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh and she had well utilized the chance to speak fearlessly about the taste and sweetness of Telugu language in the presence of language experts.

The student touched every aspect of ancient to contemporary about Telugu poets and writers as she mentioned about great Pothana, Nannayya, Thikkanna, Thiyagaraja, C.Narayana Reddy, Malladi, Aarudhra, Gaddhar, Veturi, Sirivennala etc. She also highlighted about Kuchipudi dance, Bathukamma festival, Satavahana dynasty, Krishnadevaraya and many more in her five minute talk.


“As a mother I have no words to say. I am very happy that my daughter was on there on that important stage of writers on 27th December 2019….,” her mother Mrs.V.Sudha Rani, says. Her father Mr.V.Kiran Kumar’s encouragement is taking this young girl to several platforms to display her talents. 

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