Taking Modi to Madurai homes through free medical camps

Medical camp by BJP Mr.Solai Manikandan in Ward 87 Madurai.

MADURAI: Conducting free medical camps is one of the public service activities being done by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Madurai. 
Bringing doctors from leading hospitals, the party functionaries of Madurai Urban and Madurai Rural district have been organizing camps in various wards of Madurai Corporation. 

On 5th December, a medical camp was held in Ward 87 (Mela Anuppanadi Housing Board area) with the initiative of BJP Madurai Rural district youth wing president Mr.Solai Manikandan and before that another camp was conducted on 26th November in Ward 53 (Therku Perumal Maistry Street) by BJP Madurai Urban district secretary ‘Market’ Raja Kannan.

BJP Medical camp 53rd ward in Madurai by ‘Market’ Kannan on 26th Nov 2019.

Tamil Nadu BJP State Secretary and Madurai Zone In-Charge Prof.Dr.R.Srinivasan told ‘Lotustimes’  today that through health camps the local party cadres will be doing service to local people. 

“Taking Modi home to home in every ward is happening now in Madurai city for people’s health……Good governance of our PM is needed in local bodies also and our BJP mission is ‘ULLATCHI-NALLATCHI…..,” he added.     


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