Dayananda Sagar University goes for global exchange

Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr.K.Muthuchelian and Prof.Dr.K.Mudiarasan with students.

MADURAI: Bangalore-based Dayanand Sagar University (DSU) is pursuing its international partnership programs with a good goal of ‘go global’ for the benefit of its students and faculty.

On 5th December 2019, DSU organized an internationalization programme in association with Cyberjaya University, KUL, Malaysia, with a lecture on global research initiatives and students global immersion, thereby giving a new learning experience to them. 

Prof.Dr.Mudiarasan Kuppusamy, Dean, Faculty of Business and Technology, University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia, has delivered the lecture and explored the possibilities of partnership in management and computer science between Malaysia’s Cyberjaya University and Bangalore’s DSU. 


Prof. K.Muthuchelian, Pro-Vice Chancellor, DSU, who chaired the programme, told ‘Lotustimes’ news website today that this programme is a milestone of the university with foreign universities for internationalization and it will be add to the skills of students and teaching faculty.

He spoke about the global exchange program to promote joint research, training and development activities in the areas of management, bio-sciences and health sciences. 


Dr.K.Mudiarasan delivered a talk on title ‘Reinventing Digital Leadership for Industry 4.0’ by explaining that Industry 4.0 has enveloped all sectors of the economy and hence there is a need to embrace technological advancements.

“This is the era of digital leadership….4.0 has triggered that role. Technology capabilities are important for large, medium and small enterprises,” he had stressed.  

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