MADURAI:The famous Madurai Kamaraj University in Madurai has been designated as University with Potential for Excellence (UPE) by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. It is a matter of pride for every student of MKU and its affiliated colleges.
But, what about the university’s Academic Staff College which was categorized as an ‘Under Performer’ by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in its 2014 Review of Academic Staff Colleges in the country based on score and scale. MKU was stated as under-performer with a score of 46 points.
Now, whether it can improve its score in the next NAAC review remains to be seen as many positive steps have been taken up by MKU Vice-Chancellor Prof.Dr.M.Krishnan for a complete academic quality enhancement for teachers and students.

In the list released by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) reportedly in academic year 2014-15, the Madurai Kamaraj University’s Academic Staff College stood with ’46 SCORE’ in the category of ‘UNDER PERFORMER’.
So, the question being asked by MKU well-wishers and academicians is that whether the MKU Academic Staff College, which is a sought after center for training the faculty, can improve its ranking and position in the national level chart?