Don’t touch temple lands, Hindu Munnani warns T.N. govt

SAVE HINDU TEMPLE LANDS: Mr.Rama Gopalan, Hindu Munnani Organizer.

MADURAI: Hindus’ welfare watchdog Hindu Munnani has urged the Tamil Nadu State Government not to tamper with the lands belonging to Hindu temples and warned of a massive agitation if temple properties are touched.

Hindu Munnani patriarch Mr.Rama Gopalan had called upon the cadres to gear up for a State-wide exercise on November 4th 2019 when the Hindu Munnani functionaries will meet the district Collectors in their respective districts and submit a representation demanding the Tamil Nadu Government not to go ahead with the G.O. allowing distribution of temple lands to those who ‘encroached’ them till now.


Mr.A.T.Elangovan, Hindu Munnani, Chennai.

Mr.A.T.Elangovan, Chennai City Hindu Munnani President, told ‘Lotus Times’ news website on November 1st over phone, that the Tamil Nadu State Government should not distribute temple lands to anybody and everybody just like that.

“The Government has recently come out with a G.O…..It is fully objectionable and Hindus will not allow that…..The role of HR&CE Department is only to manage and administer the temples, but not to distribute our temple lands….Temple properties belong to Hindus and if the government can’t manage that, let them handover the temple lands and properties to us….,” Mr.Elangovan added.

The Hindu Munnani had warned that it will intensify the agitation if the Tamil Nadu government tampers with temple lands and interfere in to handling of temple properties as it likes.

“After November 4th we will take a call and our movement is to stop distribution of temple lands to encroachers who occupied them illegally till now…..The recent G.O. of Tamil Nadu Government is against the sentiments of Hindus and it is our duty to safeguard temple lands and temple properties,” the Hindu Munnani has appealed.


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