Lions Dist 324-A5 ties knot to help 108 free marriages


CHENNAI: Lions Clubs are well known for their social service. Following that spirit, the Lions Clubs International District 324-A5 is in a major wedlock mission to support 108 free marriages for deserving families in Tamil Nadu.

This mega service event will be held on 31st January 2020 at Ethiraj Kalyana Mandapam in Chetpet in Chennai and the marriage ‘muhurtham’ for this auspicious function on that day is from 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m
Lions District 324-A5, which has 67 Lions clubs in its jurisdiction, will take applications / representations/ requests from deserving persons and the registration process is open now.


Lions Dist 324-A5 is known for its social service. (File picture)

A team of Lions led by District Governor Ln.R.Sathyanarayana Murthy, International Director Ln.R.Sampath, Past District Governor Ln.N.R.Dhanapalan and Organizing Committee Chairperson Ln.N.S.Rani, have started working to identify deserving persons / families for this free marriage project which is meant to help the economically downtrodden, physically challenged, inter-caste and widow remarriage etc..

A district office-bearer of Lions District 324-A5 said on October 31st 2019 that proper documents such as ID proof of concerned person, Aadhaar proof, etc with valid supporting documents must be given by those who want to avail this social cause benefit.


For the 108 persons selected for the marriage ceremony after a thorough scrutiny across Tamil Nadu based on applications received from various districts, the Lions district 324-A5 is coming with a large heart by providing them many things free. It includes ‘thaali’, marriage clothes and vessels. 
The marriage ceremony will be performed by administering marriage pledge to couples and no religious ritual will be done since it involves Hindus, Muslims and Christians etc. Couples will be given a certificate with details about the marriage. After this marriage event in Chennai, the couples should register their marriage as per Government procedure.

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