Watch ‘Guru Peyarchi’ predictions on Oct 24th


MADURAI: To give divine guidance and give a zodiac analysis on how the coming 2019-20 ‘Guru Peyarchi’ affects us, our ‘Lotus Times’ website will bring to you predictions by an experienced astrologer from Madurai for the 12 ‘Rasis’. (VIDEO) on October 24th 2019 Thursday evening.

This year’s 2019 ‘Guru Peyarchi’ is on October 29th and the powerful planet ‘Guru’ (Jupiter) transits from ‘Vrischika’ rasi (Scorpio) to ‘Dhanush’ rasi on that day.  This date will vary only by a few days as per Tamil, Telugu calendars and ‘panchangams’. In Tamil Nadu, it is October 29th 2019. Guru Bhagavan (Jupiter) stays in Dhanus Rasi till November 2020.

Those who stand to benefit and those who need to be careful, the good and bad effects of this ‘Guru Peyarchi 2019’ will be explained by astrologer P.SANGAR who has 39 years of experience in the field of astrology. Mr.Sangar is followed by a large number of astrology believers who approach him from various places in Tamil Nadu and even other countries such as the US and Singapore.

So, wait and watch for the ‘Guru Peyarchi’ 2019 predictions to be shared by ‘Lotus Times’ website from Madurai in the form of a video and write-up.      

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