CHENNAI: More than the students, it will be their parents who feel a lot of pressure and tension before any crucial college admission season.
It will be parents who try to impose their ideas and confuse their brilliant sons or daughters for opting courses or careers. Engineering alone is not the option and medicine is not the only solution. There is an expert to engineer, a CAREER GURU for your minds and he can engineer your success with right dose of career treatment. Plenty of options are available to choose from and lots of good career choices with good potential.

Career consultant, confidence-building expert and course selection specialist with decades of top level experience, Mr.J.P.GANDHI, from Tamil Nadu, is successfully guiding the students / parents/ and schools, with his vast resourceful acumen, on WHICH COURSE IS GOOD, WHAT TO STUDY AND WHEN TO TAKE WHAT? A LESSON FOR ALL STUDENTS AND SCHOOLS, AN EXPERT FOR UNIVERSITIES AND PARENTS.
For your career guidance, talk to nationally popular Jayaprakash Gandhi, who is based in Salem in Tamil Nadu. He conducts counselling sessions and guides the students. Mr.JP GANDHI IS IN SALEM.