MADURAI:   Right in the hinterland of Dravidian parties’ domination of Madurai district, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is becoming very popular, getting good reception from public and seen as best alternative for their next ballot.
YES. The BJP’s membership drive in Melur near Madurai is just a small indication of things  to come in coming days in Tamil Nadu and in Madurai district where the SAFFRON will give a RUN FOR THEIR MONEY to the rising sun party and its group and may be wither away the two leaves too. 
This was visible at the BJP MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN undertaken in Melur area in Madurai district by the party’s Madurai Rural District unit on JULY 18th 2019 THURSDAY.
M.Muthuselvam, Madurai Rural District BJP IT wing district president, has said on July 18th that party leaders State Secretary Prof.Dr.R. Srinivasan, Mr.R.T. Thirumalai Balaji (membership campaign district in-charge) and district president Mr.Maha.Suseendhran, along with a huge contingent of BJP functionaries have been going to many places in Madurai Rural areas during this ongoing membership drive. In Melur area, the membership campaign was taken up in a big way on July 18th 2019.
“Cadres of many smaller parties and even the leading Drvaidian outfits are joining the BJP. Our district president Mr.Maha.Suseendhran and team members are working on the field to draw more members into our party…. People in Madurai Rural are seeing our PM Narendra Modi and BJP as the best choice to lead for development,” Mr.Muthu Selvam said.
Special camps for BJP membership drive are going on at various places in Madurai East areas, Melur, Usilampatti, Sedapatti etc. 
“This is a full-fledged work that began on July 6th 2019……Our IT team members at district and mandal level will cover all segments in Madurai Rural….Membership enrollment data is being sent to our IT Wing State team in-charges……. In the next one week, there will be very good news from our BJP Madurai Rural district president Mr.Suseendhran with regard to what we have achieved in new membership…..,” Mr.Muthuselvam said.

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