MADURAI: Around 500 nomadic tribe families in Tamil Nadu belonging to SOZHAGA community, who are predominantly located themselves in Madurai and Tiruvallur districts, are suffering for decades just for want of ST CERTIFICATE from the government.
These Sozhaga community people eke their living by whipping / begging but their children have now started showing interest towards education and studies. But the lack of COMMUNITY CERTIFICATE is making their lives difficult for livelihood.
Dr.V.Uma, Founder and Managing Trustee of Suyam Charitable Trust in Chennai Vyasarpadi and V.Natarajan of Morai panchayat in Tiruvallur district were in Madurai on June 19th 2019 and they gave a representation to Tamil Nadu BJP State Secretary Prof.Dr.R.Srinivasan pleading him to take up their issue with State government.
“We had a meeting with Sozhaga community families at Sakkimangalam near Madurai. They have been waiting for past five decades for government to give them community certificate. Our Suyam Trust is following it up with government. The relevant papers are not moving from district offices to State authorities….We met so many officers but these families continue to languish,” Dr.Uma, says.
Sozhaga nomadic tribe community leader Natarajan laments that their families do not have resources and hence children face hardships for life.
“We are not asking anything big….We want only community certificate. ST certificate will enable education / jobs etc in government…..Our community has high hopes on the BJP and its leaders. So, we requested them to pursue our demand with Tamil Nadu government….,” Mr.Natarajan said in Madurai.