MADURAI: Rich tributes were paid to Tamil Nadu’s first Chief Minister Omandur P.Ramaswami Reddiar by the OBC Wing of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Madurai on February 1st 2019, on his birth anniversary.
Along with BJP office-bearers, members of various organisations paid floral tributes to the portrait of Omandurar at the office of BJP State Secretary Prof.Dr.R.Srinivasan in Bibikulam in Madurai.
Mr.G.P.Baskaran, State Secretary of OBC Wing of BJP, has said that Omandur Ramaswami Reddiar has done a lot for the welfare of backward classes and reservation for BCs. 
“He was the first CM of our State and his efforts led to creating reservation for backward classes……Omandurar was a man of simplicity, honesty, integrity and he was straightforward,” Mr.Baskaran added.
Among those who paid respects to Omandurar include BJP Madurai Rural district president Mr.Maha.Suseendhran, Mr.Marimuthu (DNT), Karunakaran, Marimuthu, Ranjith Kumar (Madurai Rural OBC), Sampathkumar of Naidu Seva Sangam, Veeramani and S.Muthuselvi.

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