MADURAI: Minimum Government and Maximum Governance. This is the underlining slogan of our honest Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi. He is working hard for our country’s progress.
But the banks in India seemed to have taken it in a different way by penalizing the customers in the name of penalty for minimum balance in savings SB accounts. (TIMES OF INDIA – PAGE 7 MADURAI).
THERE ARE MORE DEBITS in common man’s bank savings account for minimum balance, service charges, ATM charges, annual charges etc…..Banks getting the credit in the form of fines.

It is OK. But will the looters and swindlers of public money in our banks in India return? Will they repay the bank loans, will Nirav Modi and Vijay Mallya etc come back and pay their dues to the banks in India ?
THIS IS THE COMMON MAN’S QUESTION. In the meantime, our banks in India are making millions by minimum balance fines…....