MADURAI: To evolve a roadmap for overall socio-economic progress and development of South Tamil Nadu, a BJP team led by party’s State Secretary Prof.Dr.R.Srinivasan met top industrialist Mr.Karumuttu T.Kannan at his Thiagarajar Mills chamber in Madurai Kappalur on July 19th 2018 Thursday evening.
The proposed idea of starting an exclusive centre for development of southern Tamil Nadu was explained to Mr.Kannan who is a CII veteran and a leading face of textile industry in the country.

“For decades, the nine districts of south Tamil Nadu continued to be neglected. There are no large industries, no steps for employment generation and the south TN had no big ticket industrial investments. Because of this, there is a large scale migration of people, especially youth, to other parts of our State in search of jobs,” Prof.Dr.Srinivasan said.
Caste clashes and communal unrest in this region are adding fuel to the fire. The BJP election manifesto of Assembly elections held in the year 2016 had clearly made a promise that economic growth and economic development of south Tamil Nadu will be a priority.

The Madurai BJP will be taking a lead to initiate a special discussion and have deliberations with various stakeholders in the industry and other sectors / sections of society to provide inputs for policy formulation.
Mr.Karumuttu T.Kannan, who is a widely respected industry face in Tamil Nadu besides being well-known for his philanthropic activities and top class high quality educational institutions, assured his support to the BJP’s initiative and the proposed development centre for south Tamil Nadu development.
Maha.Suseendhran, BJP Madurai Rural district president and Shastry V.Mallady, editor of ‘Lotus Times’ website were present at this meeting.
THE INNOVATIVE EFFECTIVE – “THAAMARAI SEVAGAN” concept booklet of BJP MADURAI RURAL – to showcase about the welfare / development schemes of Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi’s government at the Centre for public awareness was given to Mr.Karumuttu T.Kannan.