MADURAI: Respecting the national symbols, reverence for freedom fighters and always remembering our great Bharath Matha are certain duties to be compulsorily followed by every Indian.
A great initiative has been taken by Mr.T.Dhevanathan Yadav founder of Indhiya Makkal Kalvi Munnetra Kazhagam (IMKMK) who is installing a statue of deity Bharath Matha in a very special way.
He addressed the media at the Chennai Press Club in Chennai on October 12th 2017 to explain about his plan for the Bharath Matha statue.
Permission will be sought from the State Government to instal this Bharath Matha statue at Marina Beach in Chennai. Work will commence soon to collect the soil and ready the statue and plan is to unveil the statue on August 15th next year.
The proposed statue is special because there is holiness behind it. Soil comes from 108 places across the country where our country’s national stalwarts / freedom fighters belongs to and with this soil the statue takes shape.
“Article 51 (A) of the Indian Constitution insists on Fundamental Duties of citizens. Respecting the national icons and symbols is our duty. Our freedom fighters made sacrifices and this statue endeavour of Mr.Dhevanathan Yadav is very commendable,” said Tamil Nadu BJP State Secretary Prof.Dr.R.Srinivasan.

This makes us to cherish the values of our freedom movement. People talk of fundamental rights but it is time for all of us to stress and focus on our duties also, he had observed.
Prof.Dr.Srinivasan said that the importance of great qualities among our pre and post Independence leaders must be understood and followed by all.
“This statue effort by Mr.T.Dhevanathan Yadav is one way of honouring the freedom fighters because a fist of soil being collected from places where they were born. With that soil brought to Tamil Nadu, the statue of Bharath Matha comes up and by seeing that we will be reminded of our national duties. I will call this as a deity to remind our duties…..Bharath Matha Ki Jai,” the BJP Tamil Nadu State Secretary Prof.Dr.Srinivasan has added.