MADURAI: Mrs.Nirmala Sitharaman became the first full-time woman Defence Minister of India with her ability, capability, calibre and because of the confidence reposed on her by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
She was promoted and elevated. The first Union Defence Minister of this country, that too a woman, is from Tamil Nadu.
Had she been from some other State in our country, she would have been lifted to the sky by parties there irrespective of differences.

It was on September 3rd 2017 that she took oath as Union Cabinet Minister (after promoted and later the portfolio announced) and on September 7th 2017, Mrs.Sitharaman assumed charge as India’s Defence Minister.
But, did the major / mainstream political parties in Tamil Nadu, the political outfits, some media organisations and the so called progressive writers / voices in this State had the courtesy to atleast extend her hearty congratulatory messages / good wishes to Mrs.Nirmala Sitharaman?
This was the question being raised in educated, academic and social circles in Tamil Nadu. “The mainstream political parties doesn’t even greet her or wish her for occupying such an important position……She is pride of our State but see the pathetic attitude of politics in Tamil Nadu,” BJP leader and State Secretary Prof.Dr.R.Srinivasan, observed in Madurai on September 7th 2017.

Remember, the country’s first full-time woman Union Defence Minister was born in Madurai, she had her education in Tiruchi and later went up the ladder with her sheer academic brilliance and acumen.
Naturally, Mrs.Nirmala Sitharaman got rewarded for her hardwork as independent charge Commerce and Industry Minister in Mr.Modi’s cabinet, her role for GST is well-known. Today, she is in the in the top list of Cabinet to take care of our security.
“Remember she is now the pride of Madurai and Tamil Nadu…..It is highly disheartening she was not greeted, for the way in which she is being criticised for some other reasons…..Today she is our nation’s Defence Minister…..I appeal to all politicians and media to welcome her and greet her….because she protects our country’s borders now,” Prof.Dr.R.Srinivasan has said.