MADURAI: Well-known political commentator, profound thinker and journalist Mr.S.Gurumurthy has expressed his views on the current hot topic in Tamil Nadu – the awaited entry of actor Rajinikanth into politics, the political vacuum in the State after Ms.Jayalalithaa and the questions on whether will there be an alliance between the BJP and Rajinikanth’s expected political outfit.
In an interview to English TV news channel CNN NEWS-18 on July 21st 2017, he made his comments and observations in his inimitable style blended with a depth of political thoughts.
“The vacuum he (Rajini) sees in Tamil Nadu politics today is drawing him in…he will be in politics and he will be a prime force like NTR in Andhra Pradesh,” Mr.Gurumurthy opined in the course of his interview.
He says that actor Rajinikanth has a ‘ De-Dravidian ‘ mind and if he starts his own political party, then factors like Modi’s closeness with him may come in to play n deciding the next course of action.
Mr.Gurumurthy made it clear during the interview that it will be tough to answer if actor Rajinikanth prefers BJP but adds on to say that “I think so….it will be because this combination can make up the deficit in local leadership through Rajini’s popularity…the local State BJP needs good local leadership…..” ( He did not fully comment & predict on what could be the alliance plans of Rajini).
However, the country’s popular political commentator gave an indication of how the actor politician could face tough questions when he enters political life. “It will be accusations, question on past experience, his skills, political affairs, affiliation, etc…..” he said.
He stated that the Tamil Nadu political space was not fully exhausted and Rajinikanth can get considerable number of votes.
Mr.Gurumurthy also answered on other range of questions including references to Rs.2 crore bribe allegation for Sasikala prison comforts in Bengaluru and DMK stand for the political future in Tamil Nadu etc.