PROs celebrate Diwali with orphanage children in Madurai

KIND HEART: Madurai PROs with orphanage children.

MADURAI: Public relations officers are normally known for their patience, kindness and importantly proactive approach towards public matters in any organisation. They showed the same spirit for Deepavali 2019 celebration in Madurai.

The Madurai Public Relation Officers Federation had a special Diwali festival event for the inmates of Government Annai Sathya Orphanage (near corporation swimming pool and Gandhi Museum) here on 25th October 2019.  Around 30 children of the orphanage were taken to a very good hotel in Madurai city where the members of Madurai Public Relation Officers Federation hosted them good food, gave them sweets and crackers and spent considerable time with them.

 Mr.L.Shanmugam, Member, Madurai District Child Welfare Committee, was the chief guest for this occasion. 

Mr.J.Murali, PRO Federation president, presided over the Deepavali celebration event while secretary Mr.S.G.Ramanathan, welcomed the orphanage children and other invitees.

Mr.T.Murugesan, federation Vice-President and Mr.Sivagnanam, treasurer, were among those present. Federation office-bearer Mr.B.Saravana Nathan proposed  a vote of thanks. Students of Lady Doak College gave a special cultural program for this special Diwali event meant for orphanage kids.  

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